Jul 24, 2017 | Digital Scrapbooking, New Releases, Photography, Photoshop
This collection of storyboard templates will be sure to please making a showcase of beautiful photos easy to display on single pages or in the form of an album. Each layered template is 16×16 inches in size at 300dpi making them perfect for creating a piece for large format printing to show off on a wall or you can resize to smaller pages to include in an album, book or website. If you are a professional photographer, graphic designer or digital scrapbooking enthusiast, you will find this collection of layered psd templates a must have item for your digital stash. Check out the Storyboard Templates in my Etsy store, Clikchic Designs store or Creative Market store.

Jul 22, 2017 | Digital Scrapbooking, Etsy
This gorgeous collection of ribbon embellishments is a must have item for every graphic designer & digital scrapbooking enthusiast. You will love having this stash of pretty curled ribbons to come back to over and over again. Check out this beautiful set in my Etsy store, my Clikchic Designs store or my Creative Market store.

Jul 3, 2017 | Digital Scrapbooking, Etsy, New Releases
Have you seen this gorgeous Shabby Sherbet Quick Page Album? This chic album features fresh and pretty sherbet themed colours and is a must have album for your special photos. The album is made with the Shabby Sherbet Digital Scrapbook Kit also available in my Etsy store and Clikchic Designs store. Check out the Shabby Sherbet Quick Page Album in my Etsy store or Clikchic Designs store.

Jul 1, 2017 | Digital Scrapbooking, Etsy, New Releases, Photoshop
This gorgeous set of 5 Decorative Grunge Clipping Masks is fabulous for a variety of uses including art photography, wedding photography, graphic design and digital scrapbooking. Use these clipping masks in landscape or portrait to suit your photo or design format. Check out the Decorative Grunge Clipping Masks in my Etsy store, Clikchic Designs store and Creative Market store.

Aug 22, 2016 | Digital Scrapbooking, Etsy, News, Photoshop
I have a beautiful new set of photoshop brushes available with beautiful ornate and decorative designs perfect for a large variety of uses from digital scrapbooking to graphic design. Vintage Decorative Doodads Photoshop Brushes is available in my Etsy store, Clikchic Designs store and Creative Market store.

Feb 26, 2016 | Digital Scrapbooking
Cinnamon Sunday is one of my favourite go to kits for my digital scrapbooking layouts as you will no doubt see by the number of layouts I have done with it!. Cinnamon Sunday features beautiful warm tones perfect for heritage and everyday digital scrapbook layouts. Cinnamon Sunday is available in my Etsy store and my Clikchic Designs Store.

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