This set of Folded Paper Overlays have been completely revamped and added to to make for greater versatility and usefulness. Included in this set of Folded Paper Texture Overlays is 6 overlays with different fold patterns. Each overlay is extremely high resolution at 5000×7000 pixels. Included in the set is a set of brushes for Photoshop. There is a version of 5000 pixel brushes for Photoshop CS6+ and a smaller set of 2500 pixel brushes for legacy users of Photoshop. Use in Overlay blend mode for a more subtle effect or Multiply, Colour Burn or Linear Burn blend modes with lower opacity for a more intense grungy effect. Check out the Folded Paper Overlays in the following stores.
At long last I have created a brand new kit! It has been soo long since I have done a complete kit and it feels good! Here’s hoping my health continues to behave and I can continue to create much more often!
The Mozart Digital Scrapbook Kit is now available in my Etsy store and features rustic tones of vintage style musical papers and elements including musical note accents, a gold leaf music rub on, acoustic guitar, gramophone, music stand and even musical flowers. Use this pack to scrapbook your musical adventures to concerts, dances and plays!
Flower Power features a huge assortment of 30 doodled, messy and funky flowers perfect for a large variety of layouts. Flowers can add a wonderful springy addition to your layouts or just a few small accents. The flowers are large in size for maximum usage options. Check out the Flower Power Digital Scrapbook Elements now in my Etsy Store.
My newest product Divine Vintage Brushes is now available in my Etsy Store, Design Bundles Store and Creative Market store. These Divine Vintage Brushes featuring scenes and decorative elements of yesteryear are a wonderful way to accent your layouts, blending them into backgrounds and/or photos. Layer with different blend modes and combine them to create different effects. There is nothing more fun than having a play with Photoshop brushes! Each .png file is large in size for maximum usage options plus .abr Photoshop the brushes make manipulation even easier.
Metadata is a method of tagging graphics and photographs in order to record important information, keywords, copyright and sorting information. Metadata is information embedded into your image files.
In Photoshop you are able to view metadata for an image, by going to the file menu and choosing – File Info
This is what the window will look like.
Many people who have Photoshop are unaware that a very powerful file management software is also available at their disposal. Adobe Bridge, comes with Photoshop and is accessible from the File Menu when you click on Browse. There is also a button in the Photoshop toolbar.
Once you open bridge you will have a screen that looks something like this. On the preview below I have it open on a folder that contains a kit I have designed.
On the left there is a favourites column where you can set your favourite folders. Underneath there are keyword filters with which you can filter your viewing options. The middle column displays thumbnails of the folder contents, the viewing size of which can be simply adjusted using slider at the bottom of the screen. The top right column displays the selected items, and the bottom right column can display metadata or keywords. When viewing photos, the camera settings used for the selected photo is displayed. Underneath file properties, a whole variety of information recording options.
If you click on the keywords tab, you are able to view and assign keywords to each image to enable the easier location of your image files.
You can add as many standard keywords as you wish, keyword by basic colours, embellishment types subjects in a photo, and the list goes on.
Next we come to metadata. As you can see by the sample window below, you can create your own metadata templates, say for example one for each of your favourite designers, to record their design information. You could set metadata templates for colours and element types. You could include links and credit information and as much or as little information as you like.
To access this information click on the drop down arrow to the right of the Metadata tab. You will see a menu where you can create and edit meta data templates. You will also see where you can add the metadata templates to your images and graphics. You have the option whether to append or replace the metadata.
You can also manually edit each field in the metadata column as needed. When you add metadata using a template, the information is automatically added to the fields above.
If you are a Photoshop user, it may be worth investigating your keyword and metadata options in Adobe Bridge before deciding whether you need to invest in image tagging software.
A wonderful technique for softening the look of your photos and reducing the effect of blotchy skin is to use the diffuse glow filter in Photoshop. You can take advantage of this wonderful filter to make a dramatic change, or just a subtle adjustment.
Firstly open the photo you wish to apply the filter to. You may wish to save it as (File>Save As – remember to rename the file when you save) a new file to preserve the original. For the purpose of this article we will work with this photo.
To apply the filter, go to the Filter menu > Distort > Diffuse Glow (Note: that your background colour on your colour swatches must be set to white for this to work effectively.)
You may need to adjust the zoom settings on the bottom left of the window to enable you to view enough of your image in the window provided.
By adjusting the Graininess, Glow Amount and Clear Amount you can experiment with the settings to get the desired effect, depending on how dramatic a change you would like to achieve. I usually like to make the change a little more dramatic and fine tune the changes by using the Fade setting in the Edit menu. Once you are happy with the result, click on OK.
As mentioned above you can fine tune the changes by using the Fade Diffuse Glow option in the edit menu. This option is no longer available once you make any further adjustments to the image, so should be done immediately upon applying the Diffuse Glow filter.
You can fine tune the Diffuse Glow settings by using the Opacity slider. Doing it this way enables easier control of the effects and allows you to better see how the adjustments effect the image.
In this instance I reduced the opacity by 69%. You may prefer a different setting depending on your image and how you applied the filter originally.
It is also possible to adjust the Mode settings to get different effects. One of the effects is shown below.
However, in this instance, I want a much softer look, and have left the Mode setting set to normal, giving the end result below.
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